Mandala is a Sanskrit word which literally means “circle”.
They are ritual and spiritual symbols and hold a significant position in several
East Asian cultures.
Created in the religion of Buddhism they were produced in Tibet, India, Nepal, China, Japan, Bhutan, and Indonesia and date from the
4th century to present.

Used as instuments for prayer and meditation they are now created and treasured throughout the world.

Typically designed in a circular format – although can be seen in a square, they usually have repetitive patterns, shapes, and colors that all spread out from the center of the circle. You can find Mandalas that are exact and carefully measured, symmetrical, and geometric but also some which are freeflowing.

They are well know for their meditative purposes. They are said to focus the mind, aid concentration and alleviate stress.

Calms the mind and relaxes the body
Improves concentration
Eases stress by creating a calm environment
Improves quality of sleep
Allows you to be with yourself in the present

Create calm and harmony by adding mandala art to your home or workspace